The flooring is all done thru out the entire house. It looks very very nice although I would hate to be the one living here with the light carpet. But they say that is what everybody wants so that is what we went with. The tile I do like. It does show dirt but it is easy to sweep and mop and keep looking nice. I have had to spend a bit on time down on my hands and knees sealing the grout but it should help keep it looking nicer in the long run. So far we have not had a lot of buyers come to look at the house which makes me sad. So I am asking everybody to send a few good vibes are way so the house will sell fast. Just remember all my crafty stuff is already in Tennessee and it is going to be hell if I have to be apart from it for too long. Oh-and it would be nice to actually have some furniture!!
I have gotten a little knitting done this week. Last week I took a day and did some yarn dyeing with the Jacquard dyes. I did 3 very nice little skeins for Audry II and for the first time I dyed an entire 100g skein to make a pair of socks. I hemmed and hawed about the colors and style I would use and in the end I just started throwing the color on that I had leftover from dyeing the mini skeins. I threw the skein into a disposable aluminum foil pan and visually divided the skein into thirds. I used a nice chocolate for one third, green for another and medium blue for the third. But I had never dyed a big thick skein before and underestimated how much dye it would take. So I ended up with lots of white still showing. And no more mixed up dye in those 3 colors. So what to do, what to do...So I started grabbing colors that were already mixed up and similar to those 3. On the white spots in the brown section I threw on some burgandy, on the green I threw on chartruese and on the blue I threw on some dark teal and some much lighter blue. And I squished, and I squished until it seemed like all the yarn was dyed. But I lifted the yarn out of the pan and saw a bit more white showing underneath. So I squished some more since I was really out of dye at that point. By this time I figured I was just going to have mud but what could I do? Eventually I got rid of all the white I could see, stuck it in a microwave steamer bag and stuck it in the microwave. I zapped it long enough to set the color and hoped for the best. After a rinse and dry session it really didn't look to bad. The 3 main color sections didn't overmix to badly and although there were still a few really almost naked spots they were very short sections and I figured they would blend in. I twisted it up into a nice skein and thought-pretty nice!! But of course I had to reskein and get a better pic. That made it even nicer. I was pretty excited and pleased. Well then I just was dying to know how it would knit up so I grabbed needles and set forth to find out. 3 days later I had a very nice sock that is quite pleasing to the eye. The main colors kind of spiral in stripes around the sock with the secondary colors giving it a little excitement. I really expected the sock to appear more brown or blue since that is what showed the most as it was being dyed and skeined. But knit up they are much more of a green to my eye which is fine. I have no real green socks in my drawer. And these are the first for me to be knitted toe-up with short row toes and heels. I thought what the heck-give it a try and guess what-I like!!! The fit is just perfect for my heel, much better than a gusset heel flap sock. This first sock I tried several different ways to do short rows and both could stand some improvement but they are wearable. I tried a third way to do short rows when I started sock #2 and that is going to be my method from now on. I found that Japanese short rows work best for me and is a very easy method in my opinion. I will post more about that in the future since this was supposed to be a short post today!!
Is it possible that Audry II has stopped talking to me?? I have not knit but 2 squares on her in the last week. She is packed to go to North Carolina tho so maybe I will be able to hear her better in the peace and quiet of the beach!! I am sure she will look awesome wrapped around the 2 most beautiful granddaughters in the entire world. And I plan on dragging her along to a few yarn shops to be showed off and admired.
I hope everyone who reads this(all 3 or so of you!!) has as great of a next 2 weeks as I will. You will get to see plenty of posts, plenty of pics and plenty of bragging as I journal this awesome adventure in grandma land. So as I leave to double check the luggage one last time, you all get back to your knitting and I will see you later..