Then I got a phone call from dearest daughter. Seems oldest grandchild got bit by something a few weeks ago and it got pretty infected. She had to have it lanced, twice and go on very strong antibiotics. I think it is a good thing I did not know this as it was happening. Cause I have cared for many a child who ended up hospitalized for same said infections. And some even had surgery/surgeries before they could finally get over it. And it would have made me so nervous and anxious for her well being, let alone her being able to come with us. So again alls well that ends well. But I am mentally still doing a bit of breath holding. And I think it will be a very big sigh of relief when we finally go thru those Disney gates for the first time. When the rest of the family is oohing and aahing on Cinderells's castle, I will be mentally thanking God we made it there!!
Our weather has been very psycotic this last week. We would have a couple of days of nice spring weather and then a big rain storm, then very cool temps. This morning I woke to heavy frost all over the garden. But a nice warm up is in progress and a tour of the yard this morning shows all to still be well. These tulips are not in my yard but down the way by the church-to-be sign.
Everything is really greening up around here, despite the recurrent chill. The winter wheat down the way is almost neon green. Of course I never have my camera when I go by there. But our grass is growing like a weed. Maybe that is cause there are so many weeds in our grass. Ken managed to finally buy his riding lawnmower and got the grass cut for the first time. The man drives that thing like he is in the Indy 500. And he leaves behind alot of stripes when he goes around curves. I think I will just have to have him teach me to drive the darned thing so we get a nicer looking yard for the effort.
I finally have that finished object I promised last post. I have had it done for a few days but I could not get it blocked. Cause I had no idea where my blocking pins were. But today, while rummaging thru my sewing room I found them in a box. One which only luck put in my way to find. I would have never thought to look for blocking pins in a christmas box I had saved for future use. I was hoping to get this shawl to block out a little wider and a little shorter than it looked unblocked. But it does not seem like that is going to happen. I want to preserve the nice shape of the hexagons and stretching it won't maintain them that way. So I just stretched it a moderate amount and will hope for the best. I figure this is a show piece anyway, one that will rarely get worn. I might enter it in the fair, show it to people to let them see all the natural colors one can get and then let it hang around, draped over something so it can be admired. I will try to get some sort of picture of it on me soon, once it dries.
I am going to try to post while we are at Disney. The girls tend to be very photogenic and Disney makes for a great background. But it depends alot on how dog tired I am at the end of each day. So keep checking back. If I don't get to post while we are gone, I will sure have a doosey to post when I get back!!