small sample of my crazy quilt embroidery

About Me

I am a consumate crafter. I knit, quilt both sane and crazy, scrapbook, bead, mosaics and any other thing I can think of along the way. Someday I also hope to do real glass jewelery and stained glass but those have to wait until I have room and more time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Colorful Displays

Just a few shots from my bedroom window. These were taken at a high ISO and fast shutter speed so the detail is not the greatest. But to the naked eye, these beauties brighten my day. Well worth the price of the feed I put out.


Jan said...

Whow, gorgeous photos! Gorgeous feathered friends too, and I adore the "crazy socks" below! You need to make more of them :)

Eileen said...

Great photos as usual. YOu have a gift.